Protecting Your Construction Business: Minimizing Chargebacks in Your Merchant Accounts


A tailored merchant account caters to businesses within the construction industry, enabling them to seamlessly process credit card payments from their clientele. However, payment processors typically view construction businesses as higher-risk entities, given their tendencies toward larger transaction volumes, heightened average ticket sizes, and potential chargeback liabilities.

To prevent chargebacks for construction merchant accounts, BC Solutions highly recommends implementing the following strategies:

  1. Clear and transparent communication: Make sure all terms and conditions, refund policies, and project details are clearly communicated to customers. This helps minimize misunderstandings and disputes.
  2. Accurate billing and documentation: Ensure that all billing information is accurate and clearly documented. Provide detailed invoices, receipts, and contracts to customers.
  3. Timely customer support: Provide prompt and efficient customer support to address any concerns or issues. This can help resolve disputes before they escalate to chargebacks.
  4. Fraud prevention measures: Implement fraud prevention measures like address verification, CVV verification, and IP geolocation to reduce the risk of fraudulent transactions.
  5. Dispute resolution and mediation: Have a clear process in place for handling customer disputes and chargebacks. Offer refunds prior to the transaction being escalated to a chargeback. Resolve issues directly to avoid chargebacks.

By implementing these strategies, merchants can minimize the risk of chargebacks and maintain a healthy account.

Now, let’s talk about some best practices to prevent chargebacks due to fraud:

  1. Use Address Verification Service (AVS): Compare the billing address provided by the customer with the address on file with the credit card issuer. A mismatch could indicate potential fraud.
  2. Implement Card Verification Value (CVV) checks: Require customers to provide the three-digit code on the back of their credit card or four-digit code on the front (American Express Cards) during the checkout process. This helps ensures they have physical possession of the card.
  3. Employ fraud detection tools: Use advanced algorithms to analyze customer behavior and identify suspicious transactions. These tools can flag potentially fraudulent orders for further review.
  4. Use 3D Secure: Implement an additional layer of security that requires customers to authenticate their identity during the checkout process. This helps prevent unauthorized use of credit cards.
  5. Maintain a secure website: Ensure your website is secure and protected against hacking attempts. Use SSL encryption, regularly update software, and implement strong password policies.
  6. Train employees on fraud prevention: Educate employees about common fraud indicators and how to handle suspicious transactions. This includes recognizing signs of potential fraud, verifying customer information, and following proper procedures for handling disputed transactions. As always trust your instincts if it seems odd, the chances something is not right and fraud might be in play is very possible.

By implementing these best practices, the construction contracts can reduce the risk of chargebacks due to fraud and protect their business from financial losses.  With BC Solutions handling your merchant services technology, your company will benefit from our expertise and comprehensive payment solutions.  We ensure seamless, reliable, and superb client experiences.  Stay safe and secure out there!